Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Video Tutorial for MongoDB DBA Course from MongoDB University

Week - 1 : 
  1. Course Overview
  2. Concepts and Philosophy
  3. Installing on Unix
  4. Installing on Windows
  5. JSON Types
  6. JSON Syntax - 1
  7. JSON Syntax - 2
  8. Introduction to BSON
  9. What is Mongo shell
  10. What is Java Script - 1
  11. What is Java Script - 2 
  12. MongoImport
  13. Introduction to the Mongo shell
  14. Shell Queries
  15. Shell Sorting 
  16. Shell Cursors and Shell Help
Week - 2 : 

  1. Introduction to Week - 2
  2. Inserting Data
  3. Updating the Documents
  4. Removing the Documents
  5. Updating the Documents Part -2 
  6. MongoDB Commands - 1
  7. MongoDB Commands - 2

Week - 3 : 

  1. Introduction to Week - 3
  2. Schema Design
  3. The Aggregation Framework - 1
  4. The Aggregation Framework - 2
  5. More $ Operations
  6. The FindAndModify Command
  7. MapReduce
Week - 4 : 
  1. Introduction to Replication
  2. Replica Sets Overview
  3. Replica Sets Demo 
  4. Replica Sets Demo (Windows)
  5. Replica Sets - the Simple http admin UI
  6. Replica Set Configuration
  7. GetLasterror and cluster wide commits
  8. Multi data center and sample configurations
  9. ReadPreference (SlaveOK)
Week - 5 : 

  1. Indexes and Optimizing Performance
  2. Index Types
  3. Covered Indexes
  4. Explain and Hint
  5. Read vs Write Tradeoffs
  6. CurrentOp and KillOp
  7. The Profiler
  8. Mongostat and Mongotop
  9. Introduction to MMS Monitoring
  10. Overview of MMS
  11. MMS Agent Requires PyMongo
  12. Installing PyMongo (mac)
  13. Installing PyMongo (Windows)
  14. Registering for MMS Monitoring
  15. MMS Installation (Linux)
  16. MMS Installation (Windows)
Week - 6 : 

  1. Introduction to Sharding
  2. Sharding Setup Demo
  3. The Config Database
  4. Setup Part - 2 Adding the initial Shards
  5. Enabling Sharding for a collection
  6. Working with a Sharded collection
  7. Choosing Shard Keys
  8. Process and Machine Layout
  9. Bulk Inserts and Pre-Splitting
  10. Further Tips and Best Pratices


  1. Wow, really nice tutorials. Why week 4 is empty? It will be complited?

  2. Hi,
    First of all, thank U so much for those videos, it helped a lot.
    Now U accidentally swapped between video 2 and video 3 in week 3
